Permanent Scripture

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life. Proverbs 15:4 NIV


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Monday, April 11, 2011

Implementing small steps in Exercise to Improve Your Life

There are many reasons people start an exercise routine. For some it may be the desire to lose a few pounds or fit into that favorite dress again, for others it may be they need to stay in shape or look their best for the type of job they have. Whatever the reason, we probably all agree that exercise is indeed a positive healthy choice that we just don't seem to do often enough. After just recently having another baby (number 3) I can certainly see a GREAT need for some daily exercise to burn calories, tone muscles, & build up some stamina. It wouldn't hurt to fit back into some "normal" blue jeans again either. LOL!
I think the main problem most of us have is the proper motivation. We need someone cheering us on, or a goal set that is easy to achieve in small consecutive steps. I pondered this during the last week after sharing with some friends how frustrating it was not to be able to climb uphill pushing a baby stroller while toting a diaper bag, cooler, & four year old by the hand. My sense of purpose to get back into shape and feel healthier so I could enjoy life again was overwhelming me. I wondered if anyone else ever felt that "needy" to get back into shape right away and how did they get motivated & accomplish it? To my surprise almost everyone I spoke to shared with me the same answer...the desire is there on a daily basis, but the motivation is not. They all wanted & felt they needed to have a daily or weekly exercise routine established in their lives, but just couldn't stay motivated to do so. I told them that I did not like feeling powerless. I wanted to enjoy a day at the Disney parks walking around with my children and refused to allow my physical state to keep me from precious moments with my kids again. Having to leave early due to lack of "pep" was not going to control my life anymore. It was time to get serious.
My friends shared that they would love some good ideas to keep a steady exercise plan in their life and even asked to have me help them stay accountable to their goals. Covering the basics of proper sleep, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, eating healthy foods, & getting some extra protein after a workout was important to help my body rebuild its muscle tone & strength again. I shared these tips with my friends to see if they needed to evaluate their current lifestyle & adjust their schedules to fit in 30-60 minutes a day of moderate daily exercise. Keeping a log or journal of your daily efforts to eat healthy, rest well, drink water, & find the time to make a good effort at some form of moderate exercise that will break a sweat, can be very beneficial at staying on target with your daily fitness routine. For my needs after having the baby and also suffering from a lifetime condition of a weak/sore back, I have found that doing 5-10 minute spurts in the am & pm on a recumbant bike, working out to a fun aerobic video, or taking a brisk jog around the block while my four year old rides her bike, seem to do the trick to start. Its easy, its fun & it doesn't take much time or effort. Now the small consecutive steps I mentioned earlier, this is where they fit in. Keep that journal or log up to date & track how often you complete 5-10 minutes or more 2-3 times a day of some form of moderate fitness. Then start working up to 15 minute intervals for 2-3 times a day. Adding some varied exercises, swimming, walking, jogging, or heavy housework/yardwork can count too for burning those extra calories & keeping your muscles toned. I'm thankful to report I only had to take some ibuprofen for a day or two when I first started my fitness routine, & now I am up to 20-30 minutes at a time on the recumbant bike. I am now able to include 3-4 different upperbody exercises on the home gym to my routine as well to balance toning my core muscles, arms, shoulders & chest. I included chest press, butterfly press, lat pull down & ab crunch. Feeling more energetic, having less back soreness from my lifelong back ailment, being able to lift the new baby more easily, & having the ability to keep up with my active four year old & teenage son is priceless. What will you use to motivate you today to start a simple, small consecutive steps way of implementing an exercise routine into your life? Grab a partner to keep you accountable, or keep the fitness log or journal and get started right now. You CAN do it! :)

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